What Recruiters First Look For in Your Resumes? Here's What They Told Us
byAkbar RachmanJan 245 min read

If you want to apply for a job, chances are you will be required to submit a resume. Even if you’re already an experienced employee, and are planning to get a different job, recruiters probably will still ask for your resume. That’s why it’s important to have a proper resume with you most of the time.

Now from a recruiter’s perspective, what makes a good resume? Here are several things you need to know about the key points of a good resume, that recruiters will first look for when they’re processing candidates.

What Is a Resume?

A resume is a summary of you and your portfolio, written in a proper, formal, and professional way, in one document. Most of the time it’s also accompanied by a customized cover letter, stating your interest to apply for a job, and explaining how you can make contributions to that role & to the company as well.

It’s almost always required to submit your resume when applying to jobs, because it’s one of the tools that company uses to identify suitable candidates for the positions they want to fill. While resumes usually only have 1-2 pages, sometimes several companies also require longer ones to see your professional and educational background in more details. If this is the case, then you probably should submit a CV instead.

Resume and CV: What’s The Difference?

A CV (curriculum vitae) is a far more detailed version of a resume. In a resume, you only put necessary information about you and your track records, work experience & portfolios, which has to be aligned with the position you’re applying. In a CV, you’re supposed to list every detailed information about both your professional and educational background; that includes any skills you have, any certification and licenses you hold, and also any publications you have made. 

It’s not usual for a company to ask for a complete CV from their candidates, but from our experience, there are still some companies who do exactly this. So, to save time and trouble, it’s always best to have a resume AND a CV ready with you all the time, if you’re still seeking for jobs.

Top 5 Things Resume Look in a Resume?

We asked several top tech recruiters about what are the first things they look for in a candidates’ resume. Here’s what they said;

Previous & current role

This is what most of the recruiters look for in the first place, whether the candidate’s background matches with the jobs they’re applying. It doesn’t necessarily have to be 100% fit, but at least the candidate’s profile fits for several (if not most) of the job’s requirement.

Also, If your resume is showing too many job changes in a short period of time, a recruiter may ask you to explain why during interviews later on.

Experience & skills

Candidate’s experiences and skillsets are what they look for next. Different companies’ cultures may have different career paths for their employees; a senior role doesn’t guarantee a senior-level experiences, a junior role doesn’t always mean a junior-level expertise. 

That’s why the recruiters need to look for this information in a resume, to see whether the candidates have some experience leading a team or dealing with certain projects, what kind of mindset and skillset they have, and what applications & software they have mastered.

Language proficiency

This is also important if the recruiters’ client is a multinational company. Language barrier challenge is real, and can cause fatal miscommunication between teams. That’s why many recruiters will definitely exclude a resume if it has too many typos, or incorrect using of words.  

Additionally, by doing offline or online interviews later, recruiters can observe the candidates’ ability to speak the required foreign languages, and also see their language style; whether it matches with what the candidates wrote in their resumes or not.


The candidates’ choice of words when they write their resumes and cover letter also can be something to evaluate on. A seasoned recruiter can see whether a candidate is being boastful or humble, being honest or hiding something, from the words and sentences used.

An objective evaluation about this must be done in interviews, though. So, don’t worry; just play it cool and be polite when you write the resume & cover letter.

Visual & details of the whole resume

Lastly, don’t worry too much on the resume design and layout. Especially maybe for tech jobs application. As long as the basics are covered and visible, understandable, and clear, then it’s good enough. Check again the whole document before you send them; you don’t want to have an interesting resume layout & colour perfectly in place, but forget to write your previous job description or worse, forget to write your contact details.

Just make sure it’s clear and simple enough for an ATS to work on, and you’re good to go.

Finally, that’s what we have about key points and what recruiters look for in a good resume. Please remember to always cover the basic information and meaningful content first, before you move to the resume layout design.

Already Have Your Resume? Then Send It to Us!

To accommodate the growing needs of talented tech jobs, HubbedIn Singapore steps in to help creating the process easier and flexible, for both business owners AND job seekers. Our experienced recruiters will scan, identify, and present good candidates to the clients. We’re always looking for efficient ways to help jobseekers to develop their career & to help business owners to grow their organizations.

Feel free to send us your resume to talent@hubbedin.com, and one of our recruiters will get in touch with you. Don’t forget to sign up, and build your own customized landing page for your profile.

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